Monday, December 26, 2005

Zawinski's law of software envelopment

Zawinski's law of software envelopment is fun and when you come to think of it is soo true :)...

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Worst Job Ever

Worst Job Ever.. I have always wondered who was listening to him :)... see the video to find out who

Monday, November 21, 2005

Identity 2.0 Keynote

You really have to watch this keynote... A unique and powerful presentation style!

Cover Pop

Beautiful visualization of books/magazines, etc with a nice use of the amazon sdk: Cover Pop

Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Spherical Chicken

I was talking with one of my colleagues about some design work we have been doing, and he mentioned a "geeky" but funny joke.. I searched the web and found a complete write up here..
Since then I have been labeling all my early design (the early hand wave designs) "the spherical chicken" :), to make the point that early designs are not absolute..

Friday, October 28, 2005

Tim O'Reilly's Description of What is Web 2.0?

Another interesting read..

Book Excerpt: The Innovator's Dilemma

Got a link to this book excerpt from the innovator's dilemma. It is an interesting read that provides a perspecitive on the reasons companries rise and fall. Though the discussion was about hard drives, it can easily be related to software.. Enjoy

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Amazing use of flash

Amazing use of flash from IKEA .. make sure you pan left and right...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Google's Easter Egg

Came across Google's Official Easter Egg... It's cute, but expected more...

Monday, October 10, 2005

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Received My iPod Nano

It recently arrived and it is a work of art. The packaging was soo apple-isous too... Hats off to the apple designers...


I got a reference to -Ofun from a friend. It was an interesting read. In particular, the author's discussion of the importance of the source control and build systems. I strongly agree with this, the heart beat and tone of a multi developer project is strongly set by the source control and build env.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


New buzz word Folksonomy...this refers to a group of people cooperating spontaneously to organize information into categories.


Came across ROLLYO.. neat idea for creating search sources that you can share... It appears to be built on top of yahoo search...

Worse is Better

As I was reading Java has lost its aura of invincibility it reminded me of the classic article Worse is Better. As a user of a number of frameworks it really kills me to see the vast over engineering behind them. It almost seems there are revolts (mostly occurring through open source) that are providing alternatives. E.g. PHP, Ruby, Spring, Hibernate, etc. At the end of the day these battles are ultimately decided by where the innovation occurs.

Came across It was a fun exercise looking for machines I recognize.. I was happy to see machines that I have actually used..

Apple IIc
Commodore 64
Amiga 2000
Sinclair 1500

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Came across Zimbra... very impressive open source app.. I was blown away with what they were able to get the browser to do...

In its current form it is a really nice messaging system... They have a model for allowing 3rd parties to plug into their ui, adding actions/meta data about "stuff in email" such as an order number, person's name, etc..

Seems this open source model of building free products and selling support and customizations is getting more traction.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Expectations of Sotware vs Traditional Engineering

I was reading recently about a comparison of traditional engineering disciplines with software and found some interesting facts that highlight some of the differences. Consider these two projects:

Project 1: completed on time, but
  • Estimate cost: $4M -> actual cost $9M
  • Post Release: 30% additional performance work
  • Annual maintenance costs: $3M
Project 2:
  • Budgeted time to develop: 5 years -> actual time 14 years
  • Estimated cost: $7M -> actual cost $102M
  • Post Release: 40M of adaptive costs
  • Maintenance: $20M over 10 years
Are these projects successes or failures? If they were software projects they would be case studies of major disasters. However these two projects are examples of great civil engineering successes. Project 1 is the Sydney harbor Bridge. Project 2 is the Sydney Opera House..

Sunday, September 18, 2005


Came across, it introduces the idea of a blook (a book serialized on a blog). A neat way of creating an "online soap" that people can read/comment on using popular internet technologies...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Google Suggest for Firefox

Installed Google Suggest for Firefox and it is really nice... Does a good job guessing what I want to search for.. Also the fastest spell checker out there :)

iPod Nano

What a work of art.... A coworker got one and I fell in love.... The ultimate gadget that does it all (photos/music)... Next is to find the accessories for "ultimate" car integration and then compute the damage.. Hats off to the Apple designers on this one...

It would be cool to have a key chain attachment too....

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Code Smell?

I have used this word code smell when I see code that just dees not feel right. I did not know that there is some history behind it... enjoy

The Illusion of Simplicity

Came across this and found it funny... Not sure where it is from though...

Simply Fired

Came across Simply Fired... Some funny stories.. The best one I read was a person got fired for eating pizza...

Friday, September 02, 2005


Came across Konfabulator. It is a cool windows app that recreating the mac dashboard... Most of the widgets are very well done.. Check out the yoda widget....

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Grease Monkey

I read today a piece about grease monkey in wired. A clever firefox plugin and concept. It enables people to change web pages after the fact. It is easy to come up with lots of new applications that build on this..

Gas Prices - BAM!!!

Today I went to fill up my car and paid almost $50 for a full tank.. BAM! I remember paying $20 for the same tank last year...

To be honest, the high gas prices are where they should be. We [in the US] do not realize the true cost of gas, paying for it indirectly through other "taxes". Part of me hopes the prices go down, but another side of me says they should stay where they are so that we all keep getting reminded about the true price of oil..

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Underground Standards

It is interesting to see how the software industry is moving away from a model of open standards ruling the day to what I will call underground standards (e.g. Spring, REST, Hibernate, XMPP). The underground standards appear to evolve with a key driving principal, simplicity. This reminds me of something someone told me when I was at MIT. If a computer scientist designed the web, it would have been too complex and never adopted. As computer scientists we need to keep working to simplify, simplify, simplify everything we design and build.

Some facts to think about:
  • Spring reached 10k downloads in one month
  • 87% of Amazon API users use the REST over SOAP
  • EJB 3.0 is borrowing a lot of ideas from Hibernate
  • Google Talk is using XMPP

Principles behind the Agile Manifesto

I came across Principles behind the Agile Manifesto and loved these principals. I have worked on a number of projects that swung from formal to cowboy development. Regardless of the process these principals I feel will yield a good end result that developers can be proud of.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Montreal - Great City

My wife (Randa) and I spent a few days this week in Montreal helping my little brother (Nabil) move into McGill. I have to tell you, a fun city. We have been up there 3 times this year and always seemed to find lots of outdoor events by virtue of walking around the city. The nice thing about it is that people of all ages participate and it is never too crowded..

If you are up there remember to drop by Amir's and grab a chicken shwarma. It is the best I have had outside of the middle east..

To make a long story short, my brother is all settled in and we had a great time doing it...

Friday, August 19, 2005

Watch Me Change

Came across this website ( and could not stop laughing.. A cleaver advertising campaign by Gap..

Welcome to my Blog

This is my first post.. more to come later