Friday, October 28, 2005

Tim O'Reilly's Description of What is Web 2.0?

Another interesting read..

Book Excerpt: The Innovator's Dilemma

Got a link to this book excerpt from the innovator's dilemma. It is an interesting read that provides a perspecitive on the reasons companries rise and fall. Though the discussion was about hard drives, it can easily be related to software.. Enjoy

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Amazing use of flash

Amazing use of flash from IKEA .. make sure you pan left and right...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Google's Easter Egg

Came across Google's Official Easter Egg... It's cute, but expected more...

Monday, October 10, 2005

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Received My iPod Nano

It recently arrived and it is a work of art. The packaging was soo apple-isous too... Hats off to the apple designers...


I got a reference to -Ofun from a friend. It was an interesting read. In particular, the author's discussion of the importance of the source control and build systems. I strongly agree with this, the heart beat and tone of a multi developer project is strongly set by the source control and build env.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


New buzz word Folksonomy...this refers to a group of people cooperating spontaneously to organize information into categories.


Came across ROLLYO.. neat idea for creating search sources that you can share... It appears to be built on top of yahoo search...

Worse is Better

As I was reading Java has lost its aura of invincibility it reminded me of the classic article Worse is Better. As a user of a number of frameworks it really kills me to see the vast over engineering behind them. It almost seems there are revolts (mostly occurring through open source) that are providing alternatives. E.g. PHP, Ruby, Spring, Hibernate, etc. At the end of the day these battles are ultimately decided by where the innovation occurs.

Came across It was a fun exercise looking for machines I recognize.. I was happy to see machines that I have actually used..

Apple IIc
Commodore 64
Amiga 2000
Sinclair 1500