Sunday, March 19, 2006

Kidney Stones

Had my first kidney stone this week and I have to say it hurt like hell! Luckily the hospital was nearby and they gave me all sorts of fun drugs to mute the pain. The whole ordeal took 6 hours, which I hope to never have to experience again.

For me, this was just sharp reminder that I need to take care of my health. So I joined a gym and hope to be a regular from now on. After my second day of swimming and exercise, I must say I feel great!


  1. Sorry to hear about the kidney stone Sami. I had a kidney stone back in 2002. Worse pain ever. Even the prescription meds (Vicodin) only took the edge off the pain. Wow. Nasty.

    As my wife says "make sure you stay hydrated". Drink plenty of water.

  2. Thanks Bob! I hope to never experience it again.... Keep those fluids flowing :)

  3. Sami:

    Working in an architectural office as a designer (by day) and a cartoonist / animator at night makes me sit a lot. Maybe too much. Anyways, I read your most recent blog regarding the “kidney stones”. You see, this morning, I had this pain in my mid-section like I never experienced before. I had to go to an emergency room near my home because the pain just didn’t go away.

    Well, after a day at the hospital, (from 10 am to about 6pm) and after a CAT-scan they confirmed it was Kidney stones. Two tiny stones. They made the pain go away just fine. I took home a little funnel with a screen and some great drugs (hydro-morphine). Why all the good meds and a slip for a week away from work?

    I’m drinking plenty of water and switching my diet to more salads. Now, for your help: what can I expect now? Any advice would help. Will these stones pass the same way [PAIN] in the future? It’s now 3 am the morning after because I slept all day in the hospital.

    Anything will help from a fellow blogger and kidney stone recipient.
